Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jazz it up!

A few summers ago, my husband and I decided to check out some garage sales. We weren't looking for anything specific, but when we saw a tall table with two chairs for $60, we had to have it. We'd been toying with the idea of a set like it for some time, and it worked out perfectly for our small house. Since it was just the two of us at the time, we didn't want anything bigger.

The chairs were in great shape, but the wood on the table needed some love. There was a large scratch on the top, and a good amount of some kind of lotion spilled on the bottom. When we got it home, we sanded it down until the scratch was gone and stained it a few shades darker. Then we applied a pretty thick layer of resin to seal it. That's all we did at first, and the fabric of the chairs has always bothered me. It was bland and attracted a lot of cat hair (but what doesn't?)

This past weekend I finally got tired of just looking at it and decided to do something about it. I had some fabric left over from the throw pillows I made to go on my recliner, so I figured I'd use the excess and create a kind of extended theme. This is probably the easiest, most idiot-proof project I've ever done, so a step-by-step 'how-to' seems unnecessary. Basically, I took the seats off, cut the fabric to size, and stapled it on. Then I put the seats back on. Easy as it was, I realized I should have done it sooner.

Original fabric on the right

Throw pillow made a while back


The set

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